“Thank you for your very informative presentation at today's Career Advancement Lab with Cassie Ademola at Revelation Church..”

— Kenya A.

Kat, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. As a Black woman navigating corporate America, and currently in salary negotiations at my company your advice had tremendous value for me.

— Ayzi J.

“Thank you for your presentation at the Career Lab 2.0.  I appreciate the message you delivered as I struggled with negotiating with my employers and usually would feel overworked and underpaid. Thank you for you have built my confidence and I am equipped to put what you have taught into practice.”

— Petra G.

“Kat, thank you for helping me strategically level up my job offer and getting me the top of the range for my career! Your coaching style gave me the clear steps and confidence to ask for my worth. Your tips on presenting my value is one I will use again in the future!

— Nicole A.

“Thank you for giving me the tools and confidence to prepare and ask for a higher salary! After working for my company for over 8 years, your coaching has been invaluable!

— Tam B.